Thursday, April 2, 2009

10 Alasan Kenapa Pria Takut Menikah

Cowok menikah di usia muda, belakangan ini memang lagi jadi tren. Tengok saja, pria-pria muda di bawah usia 25 tahun, seolah berlomba-lomba menuju jenjang perkawinan. Tapi, nggak sedikit lho para pria yang masih bertahan hidup melajang. Walaupun mereka itu sebenarnya sudah memenuhi kriteria usia dan kemapanan. Kenapa ya???

Menurut James Douglas Barron dalam bukunya yang bertajuk She Wants a Ring--and I Don't Wanna Change a Thing, bagi kebanyakan wanita keputusan menikah itu merupakan sebuah intuisi.
Sebaliknya buat para pria, menikah itu ibaratnya tengah mempelajari teka-teki dari seri pertama hingga seri-seri berikutnya. Tidak heran jika menikah itu seolah menjadi hantu belau yang amat menakutkan bagi para pria.
Sesederhana itukah alasan kaum adam mengundur-undur keputusan untuk menikah? Tentu saja tidak. Menurut Barron, setidaknya ada 10 alasan yang melandasi ketakutan pria untuk menikah, sebagaimana tersebut di bawah ini:
1. Mereka menganggap komitmen jangka panjang justru akan merusak hubungan indah yang telah terjalin.
Menikah membuat mereka tidak sebebas hidup melajang. Begini-begitu serba diatur istri. Akibatnya, kesempatan untuk flirting sana-sini pun semakin sedikit saja.
3. Mereka kebanyakan berandai-andai tentang sesuatu yang sebetulnya tidak perlu. Misalnya saja ketakutan kalau suatu saat sesudah menikah, eh tiba-tiba malah jatuh cinta dengan wanita lain.
4. Bercerai! Ini yang konon paling banyak ditakuti oleh para pria.
5. Trauma. Tidak sedikit pria yang trauma dengan kegagalan perkawinan kedua orangtua mereka. Daripada mengulang sejarah buruk perkawinan kedua ortunya, mending mereka urung menikah.
6. Pernikahan membuat para pria harus bersikap lebih kompromistis. Padahal, sikap tersebut menurut mereka justru bisa membunuh mereka secara perlahan-lahan. Ah, masak iya sih?
7. Malas dengan urusan kerumahtanggaan, ya belanja lah, ya mengurus anak lah.
8. Bosan! Konon pernikahan membuat para pria terjebak dalam rutinitas yang itu-itu saja, bekerja, jemput istri terus pulang ke rumah.
9. Pernikahan juga menuntut mereka untuk tinggal dalam kehidupan yang sunyi, terkontrol, dan sarat privasi.
10. Tak ingin terjebak dengan rutinitas kehidupan seks yang itu-itu saja!

One of the most devastating Brain Injury

One of the most devastating and traumatic injury that you can get from an accident is traumatic brain injury or commonly known as simply head injury. Brain injury is usually the result of head trauma...

One of the most devastating and traumatic injury that you can get from an accident is traumatic brain injury or commonly known as simply head injury. Brain injury is usually the result of head trauma like when the head suddenly or violently hits an object. Common accidents like car accidents and slip and fall accident may result in head trauma. Other causes of brain injury is when objects violently hit the head or pierce the skull and enters the brain tissue. Premise liability accidents like falling debris or objects from buildings or shelves are examples of accidents resulting in this kind of brain trauma.

Brain trauma are said to be either mild, moderate or severe depending on the extent of trauma or injury to the brain. If you are involved in a car accident and you hit your head on the steering will or who were hit by objects flying inside your car, chances are you may experience brain injury. You will know if you have mild brain injury if after the accident you lose consciousness for a few seconds or minutes, experienced headache, confusion, lightheadedness, blurred vision, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, trouble with memory, mood changes or trouble with thinking or concentration. If on the other hand, aside from the above symptoms you also experience worsening headaches, repeated vomiting or nausea, seizures, slurred speech, loss of coordination and continued restlessness or agitation and confusion. If, however, after the accident you experienced serious head trauma, you don’t have to worry about the symptoms. You would probably wake up on a hospital bed and days have past after your accident happened.

At the time of the accident, treatments for head injury usually entails trying to stabilize the injured person to prevent further injuries. The concern of the medical personnel is insuring proper oxygen supply to the brain and the rest of the body, maintaining adequate blood flow and regulating blood pressure.

If after the car accident and you were diagnosed with mild to moderate brain injury, chances are you may receive skull and neck X-rays to check for bone fractures or spinal instability, MRI and CT scan.

Also, in case of moderate to severe brain injury, you will definitely need to get rehabilitation that involves individually tailored treatment programs in the areas of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy, physiatrist (physical medicine), psychology/psychiatry, and social support.

As you can see, brain trauma is not only a serious injury, it also entails serious medical expenses. Hence, if you are involved in a car accident and you are fault free, secure the services of a competent personal injury lawyer immediately. Otherwise, aside from brain trauma, your finances might also be paralyzed.
